A. Hofreiter about EAS: "Key know-how for energy transition"

Michael Deutmeyer presents EASy Marine

At the end of August 2021, Anton Hofreiter, parliamentary group leader of “BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN” in the “Bundestag”, visited EAS Batteries GmbH at its production site in Nordhausen, Thuringia. In conversation with EAS Managing Director Michael Deutmeyer, he demonstrated green economic competence and was motivated by the contribution of EAS technologies to the energy transition. 
"Mr Hofreiter is a natural scientist. So it is easy to draw his attention to the essential technical and ecological advantages of our technology," says Michael Deutmeyer. But the interlocutors were also quick to agree on economic and regulatory issues. "I was particularly pleased with our agreement on how Germany can be further strengthened and expanded as a production location in the future - especially for the production of key technologies such as the lithium-ion battery." Because the use of renewable energies, and thus the core of the energy transition, requires appropriate storage technologies. And it is precisely this contribution to the success of the energy transition that EAS, efficient and innovative energy storage, provides.

 "The electrification of mobility - on water, rail or road - is central to climate protection. EAS has key know-how in this area," says Anton Hofreiter. "The technology used here can make electromobility, but also the protection of our power grids, safer, cheaper and more sustainable in the future. This shows that an energy transition can succeed and the economy can benefit from it."
Anton Hofreiter's visit was also motivating for EAS. The fact that a growing coalition supports the energy transition and is prepared to secure the necessary technologies in Germany and make them competitive is a key finding from the discussion. EAS hopes to benefit from these activities in the future. "For our team at EAS Batteries, it was a nice confirmation that we were on the right track with our technological approach years ago," says Michael Deutmeyer. "It's always inspiring to have this confirmed by a third party."

EAS: Anton Hofreiter and Michael Deutmeyer